ed. Charikleia Diamanti
The Halasarna Workshop on Cos Island reveals insights into Late Antique (5th-7th c.) imperial policy via stamped amphorae. Research finds LRA 1 stamps marked at city level, LRA 13 at state level, under imperial oversight. Excavations show Cos’s quaestor exercitus controlled LRA 13 production, offering key historical and archaeological context. READ MORE
Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00
Alan Wilkins
Fully revised and expanded for a new Third Edition, this book traces the Greek origins of torsion catapults, describes the machines used from the time of Sulla and Caesar, the Roman improvements in their design and power, and their importance in the defence of the Roman Empire. READ MORE
Paperback: £24.99 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Marika Vicziany et al.
This multidisciplinary collection presents 11 essays ranging from the pre-Vedic to the modern era and incorporating research on Hindu, Buddhist and tribal cultures. Authors ask whether the worship of goddesses, strongly linked to fertility rituals, might have mitigated the ecological decline of South Asia in the pre-British and post-colonial eras. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Laura M. Banducci et al.
This book brings together 15 papers on objects from the excavations of the town of Gabii undertaken since 2007. Objects ranging from the pre-Roman to Imperial periods are examined using a mix of approaches, making an effort to be sensitive to excavation context and formation processes. READ MORE
Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access
Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers et al.
The Roman villa of Punta Eolo is a large ‘pavilion villa’ on the northern promontory of the island of Ventotene. A large number of fragmentary frescoes, stuccoes, pavement revetments and Campana reliefs were brought to light in the residential area of the Villa during the archaeological excavations by G.M. De Rossi in the years 1990-2005. READ MORE
Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00
Alastair Small et al.
The broad valley of the Bradano river and its tributary, the Basentello, separates the Apennine mountains in Lucania from the limestone plateau of the Murge in Apulia in southeast Italy. This book aims to explain how the pattern of settlement and land use changed in the valley over the whole period from the Neolithic to the late medieval.
READ MOREHardback: £125.00 | Open Access
ed. Maureen Carroll
Excavation reports and analysis of material remains from Vagnari, southeast Italy, facilitate a detailed phasing of a rural settlement, both in the late Republican period, when it was established on land leased from the Roman state, and later when it became the hub (vicus) of a vast agricultural estate owned by the emperor himself. READ MORE
Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00
Benjamin Toro
This study of the evolutionary process of ancient civilisations stresses the complementarity between theoretical principles and the relevant historical and archaeological evidence. Taking its approach from World Systems Theory, it focuses on the origin, development and collapse of the first, ‘Near Eastern’, stage of the ‘Central Civilisation’. READ MORE
Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Enrique García Vargas et al.
Based on the proceedings of a workshop held at Seville University in 2015, this book looks at several series of amphorae created in the Late Republican Roman period, sharing a generally ovoid shape in their bodies – a group of material which, until now, has rarely been studied. READ MORE
Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00
Giovanni Maria De Rossi
This volume, written by the Director of the Historical-Archaeological museum at Ventotene island, is divided into two parts: the first examines the topographical and technical problem of the water supply on the island, which essentially has no springs; the second analyses the individual components of the water supply system built by the Romans. READ MORE
Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00
ed. Giovanni Maria De Rossi et al.
Ventotene, a small island located in the Tyrrhenian sea, hosts the ruins of a large Roman villa dated to the Augustan age where many women related to imperial families were exiled and enclosed. This volume offers an introduction to the roman antiquities of Ventotene and is the first of a series of thematic monographs dedicated to the island. READ MORE
Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00