Keyword: Commercial Archaeology

Early Neolithic, Iron Age and Roman settlement at Monksmoor Farm, Daventry, Northamptonshire

Tracy Preece

MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) has undertaken archaeological work at Monksmoor Farm on the north-eastern edge of Daventry in six different areas. Finds presented here include two early Neolithic pits, a middle Iron Age settlement and two late Iron Age settlements. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Settlement along the Empingham to Hannington Pipeline in Northamptonshire and Rutland

Simon Carlyle et al.

Reports on excavations by Northamtonshire Archaeology (now MOLA) in the south-east Midlands region; Nineteen sites were investigated, dating primarily to the Iron Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon periods READ MORE

Paperback: £26.00 | eBook: £16.00
