Keyword: Colonization

Colonial Geopolitics and Local Cultures in the Hellenistic and Roman East (3rd century BC – 3rd century AD)

ed. Hadrien Bru et al.

What changes in the material culture can we observe, when a state is overwhelming a local population with soldiers, katoikoi, and civil officials or merchants? What were the mutual influences between native and colonial cultures? This collection addresses these questions and many more, focusing on the Hellenistic and Roman East. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

I Nebrodi nell’antichità: Città Culture Paesaggio

Francesco Collura

The Nebrodi mountains, central-northern Sicily, have long remained archeologically unexplored. This volume hopes to increase the knowledge of many aspects of this part of the island: the meeting between indigenous and Greek cultures, their coexistence, the types of settlement and the organization of cities, the trade and the local productions. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

El Mesolítico en Cantabria centro-oriental

Mercedes Pérez Bartolomé

This book explores the Mesolithic period in the central-eastern area of Cantabria (Spain) as a manifestation of sociocultural evolution and change of the societies that lived in the area between the ninth and sixth millennia cal BC, until the introduction of farming. READ MORE

Paperback: £95.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Papers in Italian Archaeology VII: The Archaeology of Death

ed. Edward Herring et al.

This volume collects more than 60 papers by contributors from the British Isles, Italy and other parts of continental Europe, and North and South America, focussing on recent developments in Italian archaeology from the Neolithic to the modern period. READ MORE

Paperback: £80.00 | eBook: £16.00

Reindeer hunters at Howburn Farm, South Lanarkshire

Torben Bjarke Ballin

This volume presents the lithic assemblage from Howburn in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, at present the oldest prehistoric settlement in Scotland (12,700-12,000 BC), and the only Hamburgian settlement in Britain. The book focuses on the Hamburgian finds, which are mainly based on the exploitation of flint from Doggerland. READ MORE

Hardback: £25.00 | Open Access

SOMA 2014. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology

ed. Blazej Stanislawski et al.

Presents 22 papers from the 18th annual meeting of the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA), held in Wrocław-Poland, 24th to 26th April 2014. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
