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Keyword: Church

Reconstructing the Development of Somerset’s Early Medieval Church

Carole Lomas

This book uses Somerset as a case study to contribute to a broader understanding of how the Church developed across the British Isles during the transition from the post-Roman Church to the 11th century. It collates and cross-references all earlier research and offers the most up-to-date study of Somerset’s post-Roman churches. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Significance of Doorway Positions in English Medieval Parochial Churches and Chapels

Geoffrey Sedlezky

This book analyses the positions of external church doorways in England to investigate the significance that positioning had for the function and design of these buildings. The author proposes a link between the design and function of parochial churches and chapels with the number and attributes of their doorways. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Suburbia and Rural Landscapes in Medieval Sicily

ed. Angelo Castrorao Barba et al.

Presents the results of the main ongoing archaeological and historical research focusing on medieval suburbia and rural sites in Sicily. The volume is divided into thematic areas: Urbanscapes, suburbia, hinterlands; Inland and mountainous landscapes; Changes in rural settlement patterns; and Defence and control of the territory. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | Open Access

Roots of Reform: Contextual Interpretation of Church Fittings in Norfolk During the English Reformation

Jason Robert Ladick

This volume provides a thorough examination of the impact of the English Reformation through a detailed analysis of medieval and early modern church fittings surviving at parish churches located throughout the county of Norfolk in England. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00

St Gregory's Minster, Kirkdale, North Yorkshire: Archaeological Investigations and Historical Context

Philip Rahtz† et al.

The result of c. 20 years of work on and around the church of St Gregory's Minster, Kirkdale, North Yorkshire, this work is concerned primarily with the 8th century onwards, but also extends the time-period of this isolated site, particularly for the post-Roman to middle Saxon period, but also as an earlier probably religious landscape. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ricerche Archeologiche a Sant’Andrea di Loppio (Trento, Italia): L'Area della Chiesa

Barbara Maurina et al.

This is the second volume presenting results of archaeological investigations on Isola di Sant’Andrea, located in the basin of Lake Loppio (Italy), with finds ranging from prehistory to the First World War. This volume considers the results of the archaeological research in the area of the church of St. Andrew (Sectors C and C1). READ MORE

eBook: £16.00

The Later Saxon and Early Norman Manorial Settlement at Guiting Power, Gloucestershire

Alistair Marshall

This volume outlines an investigation of the early manor at Guiting Power, a village in the Cotswolds with Saxon origins, lying in an area with interesting entries in the Domesday Survey of 1086. READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ecclesiastical Landscapes in Medieval Europe: An Archaeological Perspective

ed. José Carlos Sánchez-Pardo et al.

By presenting case studies from across Eastern and Western Medieval Europe, this volume aims to open up a Europe-wide debate on the variety of relations and contexts between ecclesiastical buildings and their surrounding landscapes between the 5th and 15th centuries AD. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00

Bar Locks and Early Church Security in the British Isles

John F. Potter

This book examines the evidence for the measures taken to make church buildings secure or defensible from their earliest times until the later medieval period. In particular it examines the phenomenon of ‘bar locks’ which the author identifies in many different contexts throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Dinamiche insediative nelle campagne dell'Italia tra Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo

ed. Angelo Castrorao Barba

A series of selected contributions about settlement patterns in the Italian countryside between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, providing a critical overview of the most recent research on the subject. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

An Intellectual Adventurer in Archaeology: Reflections on the work of Charles Thomas

ed. Andy M Jones et al.

Charles Thomas (1928-2016) was a Cornishman and archaeologist, whose career from the 1950s spanned nearly seven decades. This period saw major developments that underpin the structures of archaeology in Britain today, in many of which he played a pivotal part. READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Search for Winchester’s Anglo-Saxon Minsters

Martin Biddle et al.

A history of extensive archaeological excavations in Winchester from 1961 to 1970, showing how they led to the discovery of the Old and New Minsters and brought back to life the history, archaeology and architecture of the city’s greatest Anglo-Saxon buildings. READ MORE

Paperback: £15.00 | eBook: £16.00

Excavation of the Late Saxon and Medieval Churchyard of St Martin’s, Wallingford, Oxfordshire

Iain Soden

This volume presents the results of excavations by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) undertaken in 2003-4 at the former St Martin’s churchyard, Wallingford, Oxfordshire. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Archaeology and History of the Church of the Redeemer and the Muristan in Jerusalem

ed. Dieter Vieweger et al.

This monograph contains fifteen chapters written by leading scholars from around the world dealing with the archaeological and historical aspects of the Muristan from the Iron Age through to Ottoman times. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00
