Yaroslav V. Kuzmin

Yaroslav V. Kuzmin has been studying geoarchaeology of the Russian Far East, Siberia, and neighbouring Northeast Asia since 1979 (Ph.D. 1991; D.Sc. 2007). He has also assisted in translating and editing books on the archaeology of eastern Russia.


Spatial Analysis of Housing and Economic Complexes in the Upper Palaeolithic of Transbaikal (Southern Siberia)

ed. Yaroslav V. Kuzmin

This book reviews the history of spatial analysis methods in Russian archaeology, focusing on Upper Palaeolithic complexes in Transbaikal. It introduces contextual analysis, examines the Studenoe 2 site, and includes an ethnographic section on northern frame dwellings. The study will be of interest for archaeologists, historians, and geologists. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00

The Palaeolithic of Northeast Asia

Yaroslav V. Kuzmin

This volume combines details of discoveries of Palaeolithic sites in a vast region of Northeast Asia (covering mostly the northeastern part of modern Russia), and meticulous analysis of hypotheses, ideas, and concepts related to the Northeast Asian Palaeolithic. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

Aleksei P. Okladnikov: The Great Explorer of the Past. Volume 2

ed. Yaroslav V. Kuzmin

The second volume of the biography of prominent Soviet archaeologist Aleksei P. Okladnikov (1908-1981) concentrates on his works in 1961–1981, when he was a director at the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in Novosibirsk. during this time he continued his active fieldworks in Siberia, Russian Far East, Central Asia and Mongolia. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.99 | eBook: £16.00

Aleksei P. Okladnikov: The Great Explorer of the Past. Volume I

Yaroslav V. Kuzmin

Aleksei P. Okladnikov (1908–1981), a prominent Russian archaeologist, spent more than 50 years studying prehistoric sites in various parts of the Soviet Union – in Siberia, Central Asia and Mongolia. This biography will appeal to archaeologists, historians, and anyone interested in the history of the humanities in the twentieth century. READ MORE

Paperback: £24.99 | eBook: £16.00
