William O'Brien


Garranes: An Early Medieval Royal Site in South-West Ireland

William O'Brien

Presenting the results of an interdisciplinary project (2011–18) where archaeological survey and excavation, supported by specialist studies, examined the early medieval landscape of Garranes. A ringfort in the mid-Cork region of south-west Ireland, this 'royal site' is considered to have been a centre of political power and elite residence. READ MORE

Hardback: £45.00 | Open Access

Hillforts, Warfare and Society in Bronze Age Ireland

William O'Brien

This is the first project to study hillforts in relation to warfare and conflict in Bronze Age Ireland. This project combines remote sensing and GIS-based landscape analysis with conventional archaeological survey to investigate ten prehistoric hillforts across southern Ireland. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00
