Murray Cook

Dr Murray Cook, MA Hons, MCIfA FSA Scot is Stirling Council’s Archaeologist, an Honorary Research Fellow at Stirling University, as well as teaching a course on Stirling at Forth Valley College. As co-director of Rampart Scotland, he also runs regular training digs and is the author of three popular books on Stirling: The Anvil of Scottish History, Digging into Stirling’s Past and Bannockburn and Stirling Bridge: Exploring Scotland’s Two Greatest Battles.


White Castle: The Evaluation of an Upstanding Prehistoric Enclosure in East Lothian

Murray Cook

This book describes the results of a four-year research programme of archaeological works (2010-3), at the later prehistoric enclosure of White Castle, East Lothian. The excavations demonstrated a clear sequence of enclosure development over time, whereby the design and visual impact often appeared to be more important than defence alone. READ MORE

Paperback: £29.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
