Marco Valente

Archaeologist / Heritage Consultant, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

Marco Paulo Gouveia Ferreira Valente is an Archaeologist and Heritage Consultant. He is an Invited Member for the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (CAQ-IPT). He is Vice-Chairman to the Board of Directors and Ambassador for Portugal and Mozambique for ICCIRA (International Cultural and Creative Industries Regulatory Authority). He has been working in Archaeology for the past 28 years in countries such as Portugal, Spain and Mozambique. He has participated in more than 90 Heritage Projects as Senior Archaeologist and Heritage Consultant. 


Multicultural Mankind: An Exploration of Portugal’s Worldwide Archaeological and Cultural Heritage

ed. Marco Valente

How is Portuguese archaeological cultural Heritage reflected today as traces of its colonial expansion through the World? The editors gathered 25 contributors from a wide variety of countries to explore this theme: Brazil, Cape Verde Islands, China, India, Japan, México, Morocco, Namibia, Portugal, Saint Thomas & Prince Islands and Spain. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99
