Kate Sharpe

Honorary Fellow, Durham University

Kate Sharpe is a Research Fellow at Durham University. Her work has three key strands which often overlap: investigating the use of stone in prehistoric Britain, including megaliths, stone tools and, primarily, rock art; using digital heritage to improve understanding and awareness of the ancient past; and copyediting and writing about archaeology. She has experience managing community rock art projects in Northumberland, Durham and West Yorkshire, although her research focus is the rock art of Cumbria.


Abstractions Based on Circles: Papers on prehistoric rock art presented to Stan Beckensall on his 90th birthday

ed. Kate Sharpe

Stan Beckensall is renowned for his work, done on an entirely amateur basis, discovering, recording and interpreting Atlantic rock art in his home county of Northumberland and beyond. Presented on his 90th birthday, this diverse and stimulating collection of papers celebrates his crucial contribution to rock art studies, and looks to the future. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access
