Giovanni Maria De Rossi

Giovanni Maria De Rossi (Rome, 1942), Professor of Topography of ancient Italy at University of Salerno, has published many books about ancient and medieval Topography. He has directed archaelogical excavations in Italy; he conceived and designed the Archaeological Park and Historical and Archaeological Museum in Ventotene island; he has directed, in Ventotene, the archaeological excavations and, for twenty years, the Museum.


La raccolta e la distribuzione dell’acqua a Ventotene in età romana

Giovanni Maria De Rossi

This volume, written by the Director of the Historical-Archaeological museum at Ventotene island, is divided into two parts: the first examines the topographical and technical problem of the water supply on the island, which essentially has no springs; the second analyses the individual components of the water supply system built by the Romans. READ MORE

Paperback: £65.00 | eBook: £16.00

Introduzione alle antichità di Ventotene

ed. Giovanni Maria De Rossi

Ventotene, a small island located in the Tyrrhenian sea, hosts the ruins of a large Roman villa dated to the Augustan age where many women related to imperial families were exiled and enclosed. This volume offers an introduction to the roman antiquities of Ventotene and is the first of a series of thematic monographs dedicated to the island. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00
