David Webster

Emeritus Professor of Anthropology (Retired), The Pennsylvania State University

David Webster received his PhD in anthropology in 1972. Initially a Near Eastern archaeologist, his research has since focused on the ancient Maya civilization of Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. He has conducted many field projects; his publications emphasize cultural evolution, cultural ecology, ancient warfare, settlement and household archaeology, archaeological methodology, population reconstruction, societal collapse, and Maya research history.


The Skyband Group, Copán Honduras

David Webster

The Skyband Group is an impressive elite site in the urban core of Copán, Honduras, which is dominated by the palatial compounds of Maya sub-royal nobles. Such grandees often bore court titles showing that they were clients and officials of kings, but also competitors for political power, especially just before the dynastic collapse around AD 800. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £9.99

The Population of Tikal: Implications for Maya Demography

David Webster

A demographic evaluation of an ancient Mayan citadel which helps to resolve debates about how the Maya made a living, the nature of their socio-political systems, how they created an impressive built environment, and places them in plausible comparative context with what is known about other ancient complex societies. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00
