David Strachan

David Strachan has worked in curatorial field archaeology in Wales, England and Scotland for over 30 years, at both national and local level. As ‘county archaeologist’ with Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust over the last 20 of these, he has led several research projects, often delivered through community archaeology. They range from the recovery of the Late Bronze Age logboat from Carpow on the Tay estuary to the excavation of early medieval longhouses in the uplands of Glen Shee.


Three Forts on the Tay: Excavations at Moncreiffe, Moredun and Abernethy, Perth and Kinross 2014–17

David Strachan

Despite a resurgence in Scottish fort studies, few sites have been investigated, especially at the scale reported in this volume. Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust (with AOC Archaeology Group) excavated three hilltop forts on the Tay estuary to explore their enclosing works and internal buildings, uncovering an impressive assemblage of small finds. READ MORE

Hardback: £35.00 | Open Access

Early Medieval Settlement in Upland Perthshire: Excavations at Lair, Glen Shee 2012-17

David Strachan

Excavation of seven turf buildings at Lair in Glen Shee confirms the introduction of Pitcarmick buildings to the hills of north-east Perth and Kinross in the early 7th century AD. Clusters of these at Lair, and elsewhere in the hills, are interpreted as integrated, spatially organised farm complexes comprising byre-houses and outbuildings. READ MORE

Hardback: £29.00 | Open Access
