Benjamin Toro

Benjamin Toro has a BA in History from the University of Chile and an MA in Classical Studies from the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE). He has completed Postgraduate Studies at the Institute of Archaeology and the Rothberg School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has gained an MPhil in Cuneiform Studies and a DPhil in Ancient Near Eastern Studies from the University of Birmingham. He is Assistant Professor of Ancient Near Eastern History and First Civilizations at the University of Concepción.


The Pax Assyriaca: The Historical Evolution of Civilisations and Archaeology of Empires

Benjamin Toro

This study of the evolutionary process of ancient civilisations stresses the complementarity between theoretical principles and the relevant historical and archaeological evidence. Taking its approach from World Systems Theory, it focuses on the origin, development and collapse of the first, ‘Near Eastern’, stage of the ‘Central Civilisation’. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00
