Anne Schlee

Anne Schlee is a Booker Prize and Carnegie Medal shortlisted, and Guardian Prize winning, novelist whose work includes The Vandal (Macmillan 1980), Rhine Journey (1981) and The Time in Aderra (1996). She has judged a number of literary competitions including the Somerset Maugham Award, the David Higham Prize, and the Booker Prize. She was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 2007.


The Statues at Rousham Park

Anne Schlee

Informative and well-illustrated, this book describes how the retired General Dormer, who inherited Rousham in 1738, completed Charles Bridgeman’s garden design with the help of William Kent, but reserved for himself the choice of statues and their placement. Taken together, the statues and busts suggest an autobiographical portrait of Dormer. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99
