Anas Al Khabour

Researcher of Ancient Middle East Archaeology and , Lund University

ORCID 0000-0001-5899-7788

Anas Al Khabour was director of the National Museum of Raqqa (2003-2008) and Director of the Antiquities Department of Raqqa (2006-2008). He has led and participated in numerous surveys and excavations in the Euphrates Valley through national, joint and international expeditions. He has worked as a researcher and lecturer at Gothenburg University in Sweden, the University Libre de Bruxelles, and was Curator of the Ancient Middle East Collection at the National Museums for World Culture in Stockholm. Currently, he is a researcher at Lund University in Sweden. His research focuses on Ancient Mesopotamian archaeology as well as endangered cultural heritage.


Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Properties in Arab States

Anas Al Khabour

Offering an overview of the phenomenon of illicit trafficking of cultural properties, this book serves as a reference point for governments, enforcement agencies, international organizations, stakeholders, and civil societies. The geographic focus is the Arab World: the countries in the Middle East, Gulf of Arabia, Horn of Africa and North Africa. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Fertile Desert: A History of the Middle Euphrates Valley until the Arrival of Alexander

Anas Al Khabour

This book attempts to reconstruct the history of the Euphrates Valley between the mouths of the Balikh and the Khabour. Several surveys, archaeological expeditions, and interventions of the Syrian Directorate of Antiquities, have made a significant amount of data available which contribute to an improved overview of the region. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00
