Eduardo Williams

Full Professor, Centro de Estudios arqueológicos, El Colegio de Michoacán, Zamora, Mich. Mexico

ORCID 0000-0002-9656-0162

Eduardo Williams is a Full Professor in the Center for Archeological Research of the Colegio de Michoacán (Zamora, Mexico). He has conducted ethnoarchaeological and ethnohistorical research in Michoacán for over 30 years. His books include Tarascan Pottery Production in Michoacán, Mexico (2017), Ancient West Mexico in the Mesoamerican Ecumene (2020), and Aquatic Adaptations in Mesoamerica (2022), all published by Archaeopress. Dr. Williams has been a member of the prestigious Mexican Academy of Sciences since 2002.


Pots, Pans, and People: Material Culture and Nature in Mesoamerican Ceramics

Eduardo Williams

This book explores material culture and human adaptations to nature over time, with a focus on ceramics. The author also explores the role of ethnoarchaeology and ethnohistory as key elements of a broad research strategy that seeks to understand human interaction with nature over time. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | eBook: £16.00

Aquatic Adaptations in Mesoamerica

Eduardo Williams

This book explores the subsistence strategies that ancient Mesoamericans implemented to survive and thrive in their environments. It discusses the natural settings, production sites, techniques, artifacts, cultural landscapes, traditional knowledge, and other features linked to human subsistence in aquatic environments. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ancient West Mexico in the Mesoamerican Ecumene

Eduardo Williams

This volume presents a long-overdue synthesis and update on West Mexican archaeology. Ancient West Mexico has often been portrayed as a ‘marginal’ or ‘underdeveloped’ area of Mesoamerica. This book shows that the opposite is true and that it played a critical role in the cultural and historical development of the Mesoamerican ecumene. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

Tarascan Pottery Production in Michoacán, Mexico

Eduardo Williams

This book examines a contemporary pottery tradition in Mesoamerica, but also looks back to the earliest examples of cultural development in this area. By means of ethnographic analogy and ceramic ecology, this study seeks to shed light on a modern indigenous community and on the theory, method and practice of ethnoarchaeology. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

Cultural Dynamics and Production Activities in Ancient Western Mexico

ed. Eduardo Williams

This book presents a collection of papers from the Symposium on Cultural Dynamics and Production Activities in Ancient Western Mexico, held at the Center for Archaeological Research of the Colegio de Michoacán on September 18-19, 2014. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | eBook: £16.00
