Collection: Pre Roman and Roman Winchester

Venta Belgarum: Prehistoric, Roman, and Post-Roman Winchester

Francis M. Morris et al.

This is a detailed study of the archaeology of Roman Winchester—Venta Belgarum, a major town in the south of the province of Britannia— and its development from the regional (civitas) capital of the Iron Age people, the Belgae, who inhabited much of what is now central and southern Hampshire.


Hardback: £240.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Roman Cemetery at Lankhills

Giles Clarke

This book considers the cemetery uncovered outside the north gate of Venta Belgarum, Roman Winchester, and analyses in detail both the graves and their contents. There are detailed studies and important re-assessments of many categories of object, but it is the information about late Roman burial, religion, and society which is of special interest. READ MORE

Hardback: £90.00 | Open Access
