Collection: Georgian Archaeological Monographs

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The Georgian Archaeological Monograph series is intended to provide a focal point for the publication of excavation reports, single and multi-authored research volumes, conference proceedings, and doctoral theses relating to all aspects of Georgian archaeology and cultural heritage. Submissions are also welcomed on topics relating to the archaeology of the wider Southern Caucasus, particularly fieldwork reports and research currently unavailable in English. The monograph series embraces the full spectrum of interdisciplinary contributions to our understanding of the archaeology of the Southern Caucasus including, but not limited to, historical research; excavation/ fieldwork; environmental/biological/ artefactual analysis; and new scientific methods.


Lead editor, Dr Paul Everill, introduces the series and provides some background context in his article for the Archaeopress Blog. Read online here.

Lead Editor:
Dr Paul Everill, University of Winchester

Editorial Board
Ian Colvin, University of Cambridge
Prof. David Braund, University of Exeter
Prof. Davit Lomitashvili, National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia
Dr Besik Lortkipanidze, Georgian National Museum
Dr Nikoloz Murgulia, Georgian National Museum
Prof. Michael Vickers, University of Oxford



On the Shoulders of Prometheus: International Collaboration and the Archaeology of Georgia

ed. Emanuele E. Intagliata et al.

Chapters in this volume, with contributions from a a wide range of multidisciplinary specialists, demonstrates the diversity and vibrancy of international research collaboration in the archaeology of Georgia and underlines the enormous potential of the country’s archaeological resource. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | eBook: £16.00
