Collection: Childhood in the Past Monograph Series

The SSCIP Monograph Series was established to allow scholars from all disciplines a forum for presenting new, groundbreaking or challenging research into themed aspects of childhood in the past. The Society is happy to consider proposals for future monographs. Proposals should be submitted to the General Editor of the Monograph Series. Details for submission may be found on the Society’s webpage at

General Editor, SSCiP Monograph Series: Dr Lynne McKerr

Standing order reference: SSCiP

Request a standing order

Normative, Atypical or Deviant? Interpreting Prehistoric and Protohistoric Child Burial Practices

ed. Eileen Murphy et al.

This volume explores the response of the living when dealing with the death of a child. Papers focus on juvenile burial practices in Europe and the Near East during recent prehistory and protohistory. The interpretation of normative, atypical or deviant is interrogated based on the context of the burials and the intentionality of the practice. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

Ages and Abilities: The Stages of Childhood and their Social Recognition in Prehistoric Europe and Beyond

ed. Katharina Rebay-Salisbury et al.

This volume explores social responses to stages of childhood from the late Neolithic to Classical Antiquity in Central Europe and the Mediterranean. Comparing osteological and archaeological evidence, as well as integrating images and texts, authors consider whether childhood age classes are archaeologically recognizable. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | Open Access
