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Category: Africa

Las domus de Bulla Regia (Túnez): arquitectura y decoración musiva

Raquel Rubio González

This book is a study of the architecture and decoration of the mosaic floors of the Roman private spaces of Bulla Regia, located in the northwest of Tunisia. The book is divided into six chapters which offer a complete overview of both the city in general and the domestic architecture and mosaic decoration of each of the domus. READ MORE

Paperback: £58.00 | eBook: £16.00

Dinámicas históricas, religiosas e iconográficas en el norte de África

ed. Fabiola Salcedo Garcés et al.

A varied collection of scientific works on cultural phenomena and historical issues concerning North Africa as a whole, with special interest in Africa Proconsularis, this book contains diverse themes and methodologies that are indicative of the multidisciplinary orientation that brought together the Spanish-Tunisian collaborators. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

La nécropole aux amants petrifies. Ruines mégalithiques de Wanar (Région de Kaffrine, Sénégal)

ed. Luc Laporte et al.

This collective work reports on the studies and archaeological work carried out at the megalithic ruined necropolis of Wanar, Senegal, between 2008 and 2017 (classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006). The study is an important milestone in the advancement of our knowledge of protohistoric societies and megalith builders in West Africa. READ MORE

Paperback: £180.00 | Open Access

The Southern Necropolis of Cyrene

Luca Cherstich

This book analyzes ancient tombs in Eastern Libya, from the Archaic phase to Late Roman times. Despite plundering, these ornate structures reveal funerary competition, spatial organization, and lost rituals. The book reconstructs the social history of ancient Cyreneans through their ostentatious funerary culture. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

Historiographie des préhistoriens et paléontologues d’Afrique du Nord

ed. Djillali Hadjouis et al.

This volume traces the scientific work of some thirty prehistorians, geologists and paleontologists from the end of the 19th and 20th centuries in territories (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sahara) where prehistoric and protohistoric discoveries were numerous and fruitful. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

D’une rive à l’autre: circulations et échanges entre la Maurétanie césarienne et le sud-est de l’Hispanie (Antiquité-Moyen-âge)

ed. Touatia Amraoui et al.

Algeria is largely open to the western Mediterranean, but links with its neighbouring regions are poorly understood. This book considers networks between Algeria and the south-east of the Iberian Peninsula, from pre-Roman times to the Middle Ages. Papers revolve around three themes: mobility; economic exchange; and cultural and knowledge transfer. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | Open Access

Les sociétés humaines face aux changements climatiques: Volume 2

ed. François Djindjian

Is climate change a factor whose impact on human societies can be witnessed through time, forcing them to adapt and find sustainable solutions? This book is the second of two volumes exploring human societies facing climate change in pre and protohistory. Volume 2 concerns protohistory, from the beginning of the Holocene to historical times. READ MORE

Paperback: £22.00 | Open Access

Du capsien chasseur au capsien pasteur

Lotfi Belhouchet

Studies on the Capsian culture have been considerably enriched in recent years, but have not yet been properly synthesised to establish the current state of research. This volume draws on recent fieldwork to put forward a model for neolithisation in the Eastern Maghreb. READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | Open Access

Rougga I: Le forum et ses abords (fouilles 1971–1974)

ed. Maurice Euzennat et al.

Located in Byzacena, 12km south-east of Thysdrus/El Jem, the municipality of Bararus/Henchir, Rougga is known for its large Roman cisterns first reported in the 18th century and for the discovery of a hoard of Byzantine gold coins. This volume gives an account of the results of excavations carried out at the site of the forum, from 1971-1974. READ MORE

Paperback: £85.00 | Open Access

Indigenous Heritage and Rock Art

ed. Carole Charette et al.

Prof. Daniel Arsenault, a leading exponent of Canadian Shield rock art, sadly passed away in 2016. This book contains 14 thought-provoking chapters dealing with Daniel’s first love—the archaeology of artistic endeavour. It provides the reader with new ideas about the interpretation and dating of rock art, ethnography, heritage and material culture. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

Archaeological Mission of Chieti University in Libya: Reports 2006-2008

Oliva Menozzi

This volume is dedicated to the Archaeological Mission in Cyrenaica, starting with the reports and researches of the seasons from 2006 to 2008. The emphasis of the publication is to present archaeological data to form part of an archive of finds, sites and monuments: a resource and reference point for archaeologists from Libya and elsewhere. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

Foragers in the middle Limpopo Valley: Trade, Place-making, and Social Complexity

Tim Forssman

Foragers were present in the Limpopo Valley (South Africa) before the arrival of farmers and not only witnessed but also participated in local systems leading to the appearance of a complex society. Despite numerous studies in the valley, forager involvement in socio-political developments has been, until now, largely ignored. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Le verre de Sabra al-Mansuriya - Kairouan, Tunisie - milieu Xe-milieu XIe siècle

Danièle Foy et al.

Knowledge of Islamic glass and its craftsmanship in the medieval period has relied heavily on Middle Eastern literature. The study of workshop and rich glass assemblage from Sabra al-Mansuriya (Kairouan), the Fatimid capital founded in 947/948 and destroyed in 1057, shows that Ifriqiya followed the technological evolutions of glass craftsmanship. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Open Access

Tales of Three Worlds - Archaeology and Beyond: Asia, Italy, Africa

ed. Donatella Usai et al.

This book presents a series of papers in honour of Sandro Salvatori divided into three main sections reflecting his long years of work in Middle Asia, his time in Italy as an officer of the Archaeological Superintendency (Ministry of Cultural Heritage), and finally his studies on the prehistory of north-eastern Africa. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

Living with Heritage: The Case of Tsodilo World Heritage Site and Neighbouring Localities

Stella Basinyi

In 2008 several heritage sites in Botswana were opened for tourism in addition to the Tsodilo World Heritage Site. Insufficient research was undertaken to understand how local communities and local cultures respond to these ventures. This study presents an overview of community transformation and responses to heritage sites as globalised platforms. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

A Painted Ridge: Rock art and performance in the Maclear District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

David Mendel Witelson

This book explores a suite of spatially close San (Bushmen) rock painting sites in the Maclear District of South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. As a suite, the sites are remarkable because, despite their proximity to each other, they share patterns of similarity and simultaneous difference. READ MORE

Paperback: £35.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Rus Africum IV: La fattoria Bizantina di Aïn Wassel, Africa Proconsularis (Alto Tell, Tunisia)

ed. Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers et al.

Aïn Wassel is the only rural site of Africa Proconsularis which has been excavated using the stratigraphic method and the detailed results are published in this volume thanks to an archaeological field survey of the surrounding rural region. READ MORE

Paperback: £75.00 | eBook: £16.00

The Middle Stone Age of Nigeria in its West African Context

Philip Allsworth-Jones

A fully up-to-date account of the evidence relating to the Middle Stone Age in Nigeria and the other countries of West Africa, based upon the author’s own fieldwork and extensive personal knowledge of the region and its archaeology. READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00

Recommendations for best practices in data acquisition methods for natural and cultural heritage management of Moroccan coastal wetlands

ed. Athena Trakadas et al.

This book outlines the functional procedures for conducting scientific coastal marine surveys in the Moroccan context, discussing the requirements, methods, and practices of the four scientific fields that rely these types of shared data: hydrography, marine geology, marine biology and toxicology, and maritime archaeology and heritage management. READ MORE

Paperback: £25.00 | eBook: £16.00

From Cambridge to Lake Chad: Life in archaeology 1956–1971

Graham Connah

Graham Connah's autobiography offers both a professional and personal account that traces his archaeological training and employment at Cambridge and his practical experience on British excavations, and explains how he became one of the pioneers of Nigerian archaeology during a decade in that country. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

Early Maritime Cultures in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean

ed. Akshay Sarathi

This volume represents a multi-disciplinary effort to examine East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean. Multiple lines of evidence drawn from linguistics, archaeology, history, art history, and ethnography come together in novel ways to highlight different aspects of the region’s past and offer innovative avenues for future research. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

The River: Peoples and Histories of the Omo-Turkana Area

ed. Timothy Clack et al.

This sumptuously illustrated book brings together a remarkable collection of the world’s leading archaeologists, ecologists, historians and ethnographers who specialise in the Omo-Turkana area (spanning spans parts of Ethiopia, South Sudan and Kenya), and recognising it as a crucial, and currently vulnerable, resource of global heritage. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Open Access

Archaeology and Ethnography Along the Loango Coast in the South West of the Republic of Congo

Gerry Wait et al.

This book presents the results of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) project in the southwest region of the Republic of the Congo, undertaken to identify and evaluate cultural resources which might need further investigation. The study also reports on ethnographic surveys considering intangible cultural heritage. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

Une archéologie des provinces septentrionales du royaume Kongo

ed. Bernard Clist et al.

This book presents in detail the results of archaeological research carried out by the KongoKing project in the former northern provinces of the Kongo Kingdom, currently located in the Democratic Republic of Congo. READ MORE

Paperback: £90.00 | Open Access

Identified skeletal collections: the testing ground of anthropology?

ed. Charlotte Yvette Henderson et al.

Human skeletons are widely studied in archaeological, anthropological and forensic settings to learn about the deceased. This book focusses on identified skeletal collections and discusses how and why collections were amassed and shows the vital role they play in improving methods and interpretations for archaeological and forensic research. READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | eBook: £16.00

Estudios sobre el África romana

ed. Fabiola Salcedo Garcés et al.

These collected papers are for those who have their gaze fixed on the fascinating mosaic of cultures that was the North-African world from the moment Rome appeared in the region. Most articles are dedicated to the world of images, but other subjects include Historiography, Archaeology of Architecture, and Libyan-Berber ethnicities. READ MORE

Paperback: £44.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ceramic manufacturing techniques and cultural traditions in Nubia from the 8th to the 3rd millennium BC

Giulia D’Ercole

This book presents a comprehensive critical analysis of diverse ceramic assemblages from Sai Island, in the Middle Nile Valley of Northern Sudan, on the border between ancient Upper and Lower Nubia. The assemblages included in this study cover about five millennia, spanning the period c. 8000 to c. 2500 BC. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

The Cutting Edge: Khoe-San rock-markings at the Gestoptefontein-Driekuil engraving complex, North West Province, South Africa

Jeremy Charles Hollmann

This book addresses rock engravings on the wonderstone hills just outside Ottosdal, South Africa. Much of the rock art has been destroyed due to mining activities, with very few records and the largest remaining outcrop is still threatened. The study hopes to bring this situation to the attention of the public and the heritage authorities. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Le massif de Lovo, sur les traces du royaume de Kongo

Geoffroy Heimlich

Unlike the Sahara or Southern Africa, the rock art of Central Africa is still largely unknown today. Crossing ethnological, historical, archaeological and mythological points of view, this book illustrates that rock art played an important part in Kongo culture. READ MORE

Paperback: £42.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

L’artisanat dans les cites antiques de l’Algérie

Touatia Amraoui

This book is the first to examine the artisans of ancient North Africa as its core subject. Focusing on urban production in Algeria during Antiquity, this critical study brings together new documentation drawn up on the basis of field data and the consultation of archives from a long history of survey in Algeria and France. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

Eastern Sudan in its Setting

Andrea Manzo

Ongoing research in Eastern Sudan has provided a preliminary reconstruction of the history of the region from c. 6000 BC to AD 1500. This publication outlines this reconstruction and also considers the more general setting known for the other regions of northeastern Africa READ MORE

Paperback: £30.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Atlas of Mammal Distribution through Africa from the LGM (~18 ka) to Modern Times

Hélène Jousse

This work provides the first overview of mammal species distributions in Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 18 ky) to modern time READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00 | eBook: £16.00

The White Lady and Atlantis: Ophir and Great Zimbabwe

Jean-Loïc Le Quellec

This meticulous investigation, based around a famous rock image, the ‘White Lady’, makes it possible to take stock of the mythical presuppositions that infuse a great deal of scientific research, especially in the case of rock art studies. READ MORE

Paperback: £55.00

Archival Theory, Chronology and Interpretation of Rock Art in the Western Cape, South Africa

Siyakha Mguni

This book advocates the archival capacity of rock art and uses archival perspectives to analyse the chronology of paintings in order to formulate a framework for their historicised interpretations. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Reinterpreting chronology and society at the mortuary complex of Jebel Moya (Sudan)

Jonathan Brass

Jebel Moya (south-central Sudan) is the largest known pastoral cemetery in sub- Saharan Africa with more than 3100 excavated human burials. This research revises our understanding of Jebel Moya and its context. READ MORE

Paperback: £40.00 | Free Download | eBook Institution: £10.00

Le QSAR, type d’implantation humaine au Sahara: architecture du Sud Algérien

Mounia Chekhab-Abudaya

This volume, through the systematic analysis and comparison of some qṣūr of southeastern Algeria (Rīġ, Mzāb, Miya and al-Manī‘a), reveals common architectural features that can be used to identify a common type of qṣar in this region. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

A Slave Who Would Be King: Oral Tradition and Archaeology of the Recent Past in the Upper Senegal River Basin

Jeffrey H. Altschul et al.

This report makes a significant contribution to the archaeology and ethnography of eastern Senegal. Combining ethnographic and archaeological data yields a picture of a period of intense social change at the end of the 19th c. and extended well into the mid-20th c. READ MORE

Paperback: £60.00 | eBook: £16.00

Rock Art Studies: News of the World V

ed. Paul Bahn et al.

This is the fifth volume in the series Rock Art Studies: News of the World. Like the previous editions, it covers rock art research and management across the globe over a five-year period, in this case the years 2010 to 2014 inclusive. READ MORE

Paperback: £70.00 | eBook: £16.00

Holocene Prehistory in the Télidjène Basin, Eastern Algeria

ed. David Lubell

Excavations at Kef Zoura D and Aïn Misteheyia - stratified Capsian escargotières (one openair, the other a rockshelter) in the Télidjène Basin, Eastern Algeria. READ MORE

Paperback: £38.00 | eBook: £16.00

Mégalithismes vivants et passés: approches croisées

ed. Christian Jeunesse et al.

This volume seeks, through both case studies and more synthetic works, to discuss how the patterns drawn from the observation of 'living' megalithic societies have been used to try and shed light on the functioning of European Neolithic societies. READ MORE

Paperback: £50.00 | eBook: £16.00

In Pursuit of Ancient Cyrenaica...

Monika Rekowska et al.

This work examines travellers' accounts of their journeys to Cyrenaica, focusing in the main on an analysis of these accounts within the context of their significance to topographic surveys of the region. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Argonauts of the Stone Age

Andrzej Pydyn

This book gives a full account of stone age seafaring presenting the archaeological evidence in the context of the changing world environment and uses ethnographic sources to broaden the readers understanding of the worlds earliest sea craft. READ MORE

Paperback: £36.00 | eBook: £16.00

Fish-Salting in the Northwest Maghreb in Antiquity

Athena Trakadas

This volume is a detailed gazetteer of fish-salting production in the northwest Maghreb in antiquity. READ MORE

Paperback: £34.00 | eBook: £16.00

La production de la céramique antique dans la région de Salakta et Ksour Essef (Tunisie)

Jihen Nacef

This publication provides the most updated information on the ceramic production (amphorae, cooking and coarse wares, ceramic building materials) of Salakta and the Ksour Essef district, in the Sahel region of Tunisia, from the 3rd century BC to the 7th century AD. READ MORE

Paperback: £45.00 | eBook: £16.00

Répertoire de fleurons sur bandeaux de lampes africaines type Hayes II

Jean Bussière et al.

A comprehensive repertory of the stamps decorating the rims of Christian African lamps. This volume will be an indispensable tool to Mediterranean archaeologists for identifying even small fragments of lamps. READ MORE

Paperback: £28.00 | eBook: £16.00

I vetri del Museo archeologico di Tripoli

Sofia Cingolani

This volume is focused on the cataloguing of glass conserved in the Archaeological Museum of Tripoli. This is so far an unpublished corpus of objects identified from investigations into the necropolis and other burials in Tripoli and its suburbs. READ MORE

Paperback: £33.00 | eBook: £16.00

Alexandria’s Hinterland

Mohamed Kenawi

This volume contains detailed information about 63 sites and shows, amongst other things, that the viticulture of the western delta was significant in Ptolemaic and Roman periods, as well as a network of interlocking sites, which connected with the rest of Egypt, Alexandria, North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean and Aegean. READ MORE

Paperback: £48.00 | eBook: £16.00

Ships, Saints and Sealore

ed. Dionisius A. Agius et al.

A selection of conference papers and other contributions see the coming-together of scholars and researchers from backgrounds as diverse as archaeology, history, ethnography, maritime and heritage studies, to offer an engaging and insightful study of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea and its influences on various factors of life, past and present. READ MORE

Paperback: £32.00 | eBook: £16.00

Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The African Frontiers

David J. Breeze et al.

The Roman military remains in North Africa are remarkable in their variety and preservation. They include towers and forts, stretches of defensive lines of stone and earth with ditches broken by gates, and roads, sitting amidst amazing scenery. Readers of this book will enjoy learning more about North Africa’s remarkable Roman inheritance. READ MORE

Paperback: £19.99 | Open Access
