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H 290 x W 205 mm

300 pages

Published Apr 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789695830

Digital: 9781789695847

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Between 2002 and 2014 MOLA Northampton carried out evaluation and excavation work at the Manor Pit, Baston, Lincolnshire. The site saw significant occupation in the late Bronze Age and Roman periods, with evidence of enclosures in Medieval and Post-Medieval times.



Chapter 1 Introduction
Project background
Location, topography and geology
Cropmarks and archaeological excavations
Previous site investigations within Baston Manor Pit
Excavation areas 2006-2014
Site phasing

Chapter 2 Archaeological results
Period 1, earlier prehistoric activity
Period 2, early to middle Bronze Age
Period 3, Roman settlement and boundary (2nd to 4th centuries)
Period 4, medieval and post-medieval land use
Undated features

Chapter 3 Finds
Worked flint – Yvonne Wolframm-Murray
Prehistoric pottery – Sarah Percival
Roman pottery – Margaret Darling, Ian Rowlandson and H G Fiske with samian reports by Felicity C Wild and Gwladys Monteil
Writing on pottery vessels – R S O Tomlin
Medieval and post-medieval pottery – Paul Blinkhorn
Coins – Ian Meadows and Paul Clements
Small finds - Tora Hylton with a report on a Bronze Age knife by Matthew G Knight
Middle Bronze Age loomweights – Pat Chapman
Querns – Andy Chapman
Slag – Andy Chapman
Ceramic tile and brick – Pat Chapman
Stone – Pat Chapman
Fired clay – Pat Chapman
Roman glass – Claire Finn
Worked wood – Michael Bamford with identifications to taxa by Steve Allen
Radiocarbon dates – Rob Atkins

Chapter 4 Environmental evidence and human and faunal remains
Human skeletal remains – Helen Webb and Chris Chinnock
The mammal, bird and amphibian bones – Philip L Armitage
Environmental evidence from the southern excavation area and the far western part of the northern excavation area (BMP06-08) – Enid Allison, Lucy Allott, Robert Batchelor, Alex Brown and John Giorgi
Environmental evidence from the northern excavation area (BMP09-14) – Val Fryer

Chapter 5 Discussion
Period 1: Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic
Period 2.1 Early Bronze Age
Period 2.2 Middle Bronze Age
Period 3: Roman
Period 4: Medieval
Period 5: Post-medieval

