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H 276 x W 203 mm

128 pages

Fully illustrated catalogue in colour

Published Feb 2020

Archaeopress Access Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789695137

Digital: 9781789695144

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Graeco-Roman Egypt; Pottery; Ceramic Assemblage; Excavations

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Pottery of Manqabad

A Selected Catalogue of the Ceramic Assemblage from the Monastery of ‘Abba Nefer’ at Asuyt (Egypt)

By Ilaria Incordino

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This book presents a catalogue of selected pottery from the monastic site of Manqabad (Asyut, Egypt) as part of of an ongoing study and conservation project at the University of Naples. The typologies identified include the most relevant Byzantine classes and a particular link with production from the Middle Egypt region.



Introduction ;
Chapter I. A selected catalogue of pottery from El-Ashmunein SCA store and Manqabad site ;
Introduction to the catalogue ;
The Catalogue ;
Chapter II. Observations and comments on the typologies ;
Chapter III. The pottery survey on the site ;
Conclusions ;
References ;

About the Author

Ilaria Incordino is Research Fellow and Adjunct Professor of Egyptology (BA) at the University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’ (UNIOR). Since 2011 she has been Deputy Director of the Italian-Egyptian Project of Study and Conservation of the Monastery of Manqabad, Asuyt, Egypt (UNIOR, Rome University, SCA), in charge of the study of the Late Antique pottery. She was promoter of several academic events at UNIOR: the Summer School ‘Pottery of the Nile Valley. Classification, documentation and new technology of analysis’ (2019), the ‘Current Research in Egyptology conference’ (2017), the MA in ‘Egyptology: Research Methods and Technology’ (2010) and the ‘First Neapolitan Congress of Egyptology’ (2008). In 2016 she was Curator of the new exposition of the Egyptian Collection of the National Archaeological Museum in Naples (MANN). She was member of the UNIOR excavations in the Eastern Central Desert (UNIOR, Helwan University, Cairo University) and at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis (UNIOR, Boston University).