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H 290 x W 205 mm

284 pages

165 figures, 6 tables

Published Apr 2020

Archaeopress Archaeology


Paperback: 9781789694956

Digital: 9781789694963

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Greco-roman Egypt; Fayyum; temple architecture; temple administration; temple ranks

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I templi del Fayyum di epoca tolemaico-romana: tra fonti scritte e contesti archeologici

Per una classificazione degli edifici sacri nell’Egitto tolemaico e romano

By Ilaria Rossetti

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During the Ptolemaic period, Egyptian temples were divided into three ranks: first, second and third class. This volume examines the rules according to which Egyptian sacred buildings were classified and how the different classes of temples were planned and arranged.



Index ;
Premise ;
Methodological introduction ;

Part I: Written sources. Classification of temples in papyrus and epigraphic documents ;
Chapter 1: Πρῶτα, Δεύτερα καὶ Ἐλάσσονα ἱερά ;
Chapter 2: Λόγιμα ἱερά ;
Chapter 3: Registration ;

Part II: Archaeological contexts. The temples of Fayyum ;
Chapter 4: The temples of the meris of Herakleides ;
Chapter 5: The temples of the meris of Polemon ;
Chapter 6: The temples of the meris of Themistos ;

Part III: Reconstruction of the historical-administrative, architectural and cultural context of the Fayyum temples ;
Chapter 7: Reconstruction of the historical and administrative context ;
Chapter 8: Temple architecture in the Fayyum ;

Conclusions ;
Bibliography ;
Concordance Tables

About the Author

Ilaria Rossetti is currently an archaeology officer at the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. She obtained a Master’s Degree cum laude and a post-graduate degree at the Bologna University in Egyptology. In 2015 she obtained a PhD at Siena University. From 2015-2017 she was junior researcher at Bologna University, where she was involved in numerous archaeological projects. Since 2012, she has been field-director of archaeological Mission at Bakchias coordinated by the two co-directors Prof. Enrico Giorgi (Bologna University) and Prof. Paola Buzi (Sapienza University of Rome).