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H 210 x W 150 mm

94 pages

15 tables, 1 colour illustration

French text

Published Jun 2017



Paperback: 9781784916169

Digital: 9781784916176

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Phaistos Disc; Crete; Minoan; Greece; Bronze Age; Prehistory; Aegean

Praehistorica Mediterranea 6

Le guerrier, le chat, l’aigle, le poisson et la colonne: la voie spiralée des signes

Approche sémiologique, structurale et archéologique du disque de Phaistos

By Serge Collet

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Collet brings a new approach to the study of the Phaistos Disc, one of the most studied documents of the Minoan civilization. It’s not a deciphering but an interpretation, a depiction of the Minoan Weltanschauung through the symbols on the Disc and their connections with reality.



Premessa /Foreword (Pietro Militello); I. Du pouvoir des signes comme entités relationnelles; II. La spirale et le ruban des signes; III. Le bricolage inconscient et savant des séquences de signes pictogrammes; IV. La voie des pictogrammes; V. De L’analyse des atomes de signification à celle des groupements de signes; VI. Engouement- enjouement pour une spirale de signes; Bibliographie; Abstract (English); Liste des figures et des tableaux; Figures et Tableaux; Excursus: De la sémiologie à de nouveaux questionnement archéologiques; Retour sur quelques signes, remarques techniques et archéologiques sur le Disque de Phaistos; Destructions naturelles et ripostes rituelles; Bibliographie complémentaire; Serge Collet (Pietro Militello)

About the Author

Serge Collet (1950-2016) was a French scientist who became known for his interdisciplinary research on early sea-dependent societies. His main study “Uomini e Pesce, La caccia al pesce spada tra Scilla e Cariddi” as well as his publications with SAGE Publications over the years, as well as his several contributions to international conferences (inter alia funded by the EU and FAO) gave substantial examples as to what contributions maritime ethnology and archaeology can make for the preservation of cultures and the seas over the millennia.